The Body Sunscreens I took on holiday

I know I've been banging on about sunscreen quite a lot lately but it's really important to me and I hope I've helped some of you find one that suits. So far I've focused on facial sunscreens, but today I want to talk about those for the body.

The Ultrasun and Eucerin came on holidays with us last week, along with another bottle of the Eucerin Sun Lotion in SPF50 and KIKO Solar Protect in SPF30 (both used up). While Piz Buin Protect & Cool in SPF15 wasn't quite strong enough for a holiday abroad, it's available in SPF30 and is such a great formula I wanted to include it here. A mousse that cools the skin instantly on application, it's quick and easy to apply and feels lovely on - my kids love it, so a good option for any mums out there.

Speaking of kids, I should add that I chose to pack these specific products for a number of reasons. High protection is obviously top of my list - my daughter in particular is very prone to sunburn thanks to white blonde hair and porcelain skin (which strangely, does end up turning golden). She mainly used the Eucerin SPF50, which I reapplied regularly as she was constantly in the water.

As my son is prone to eczema, skin-kind Ultrasun has been our No1 since he was a baby. While we normally use the Family formula, new Ultrasun Extreme offers higher protection, has been developed for ultra sensitive skin and doesn't aggravate his dryness, eczema and prickly heat. Designed to offer a full day's protection with one application, I do tend to reapply (once or twice per day) in very hot conditions, especially when the children are in and out of the water.

I used Ultrasun SPF50 on my upper body and a mix of the Kiko and Eucerin SPF30 on my legs throughout the trip - and my skin remained well protected with zero burning. The Eucerin Ultra Light formula sinks in and dries super quickly, so it's great for on the go and the Kiko is extra moisturising.

We spent the week at Biarritz in South of France and I'd go back in a heartbeat... one of the most beautiful places I've been. 

All of these sunscreens sit nicely on the skin - no sticky limbs, white cast or greasy residue in sight - and I'll happily use them again and again. You can read about the products I used on my face in this post. 

Which sunscreen do you use?

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