Me Time: NEOM 100 Days of Happiness

Can you believe this is the last day of February? Gotta love a short month! I'm so ready for the arrival of March... it always feels like Almost Spring to me, with an imminent whisper of warmth from the sun. 

Neom chose a great month to launch its new Happiness Programme, when many people are feeling a little lacklustre, and it didn't take much coaxing for me to give it a go. The Happiness Programme Kit includes 5 products: the four above and a larger 3 wick Happiness candle. My appreciation of Neom candles is well documented in these pages, but the new programme goes beyond the products, focusing on a positive state of mind. 

As a busy self employed mum, I constantly feel like I'm juggling different elements of my life and like many others in my position, am not very good at taking time out for me. This programme was a good reminder of the importance of doing just that; at the end of the day, I'm a better mother (better everything!) when I look after me too. 

So I spent February armed with a Happiness Handbook and 28 day calendar of tips ranging from the importance of enjoying our natural surroundings to mood boosting smoothie recipes. Daily texts were a useful reminder of tips like 'Tidy desk, tidy mind - kickstart your week by decluttering your workspace.' 

I did things like driving to the beach for a freezing-but-sunny early morning walk straight after the school run, treated myself to (sometimes) healthy treats and took the time for a bath when I really just wanted to fall into bed. Yep, even 'me time' can sometimes feel like a chore... and absolutely shouldn't.

Neom Great Day Mood Lifting On the Go Mist, Body & Hand Wash

The Great Day range contains 8 pure essential oils, with mood lifting wild mint and mandarin, a refreshing combination included in the body scrub, spritz and body & hand wash. 

Neom Great Day Body & Hand Wash

The wash has quite a subtle scent, so if you prefer a stronger hit, opt for On the Go Mist... currently only available in this miniature size, I need a giant bottle of this - please make one Neom  - and yes, it smells good enough to wear as perfume! 

Neom Happiness Candle

The Happiness candle contains a blend of 7 essential oils including white mimosa, neroli and lemon to balance emotions and shed unnecessary worries. It's my favourite of all the Neom scents and I reviewed it in detail here (four years ago!!) if you'd like a better idea of how it smells. The one wick candle kicks out a lot of scent, plenty for a small to medium sized room, whereas the three wick is best in a hallway or large room.

While I think that the holistic approach of Neom's Happiness Programme is really great, I know it's not in everyone's budget, so if you'd like to treat yourself to a little slice of happiness, I highly recommend a Happiness candle or Mood Lifting on the go Mist. Or at least an early morning walk somewhere beautiful. 
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