OPI Sparrow me the Drama & China Glaze Snow Globe

Fairisle Slippers

You know when you want your nails to be a certain colour, but can’t quite put a finger on it?  I wanted something soft, but not wishy washy; pretty, but not overtly girly - I just didn’t have the right thing. Until the postie came! 

OPI, China Glaze Snow Globe & Seche Vite

OPI Sparrow me the Drama, China Glaze Snow Globe & a bottle of Seche Vite topcoat (cos I can’t find mine!). Sparrow me the Drama is the perfect A/W pink - a mid pink that’s definite, but soft and not grey toned - neither pastel nor bubblegum - just lovely.  It’s a smooth crème and took 3 coats for a perfectly opaque finish (though two would be perfectly adequate for someone less fussy).

OPI Sparrow me the Drama outside

Unfortunately it’s a dreary afternoon so the colour looks dusky and paler than it really is here.  I wasn’t feeling twinkly enough for a full on glitter topcoat, but couldn’t resist a little accent nail just to see what China Glaze Snow Globe was like. I thought it was a flakie, but it’s more of a fine glitter in a silvery white base - still pretty though and will work well with dark colours too. I’ll post on this again when I’ve had more of a play with it.


Importantly, my nails tone in with today’s other cheery delivery, Fair Isle Sheepskin slippers from Celtic Sheepskin… so cosy I was tempted to do the school run in them (I didn’t).

Next day… I’ve just tried to take some more pics in daylight but this colour just does not want to be captured by my camera! (Dear Autumn, I do not appreciate your effects on my blogging!)  The colour actually looks more true on Instagram, so do follow me on there if you’d like a look (StrawbryBlonde). I also added a little more China Glaze Snow Globe accent on the tips and realised that it produces the most gorgeous opalescent effect (much more obvious in real life)… <3 it!



What pinks (if any) do you enjoy wearing at this time of year?

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