Me & Make-up: Childhood Sweethearts

My love affair with make up began at an early age. Growing up surrounded by the glamorous friends of my model big sis (who shared a catwalk with one of the original ‘Big 5') I'd apply Rimmel Pink Shimmer and blue eye liner religiously,  pinching my ghostly pale cheeks to add a flush of colour in the vain hope that this would win the heart of a bleary eyed boy aboard the No 82 en route to school.

Fast forward 25 years and not a lot has changed.  While I envy those gorgeous enough to go au naturel, I remain devoted to my beauty products, am shamefully reluctant to leave the house sans make up, obsessed with discovering new potions and an avid reader of glossy beauty pages.

As a newcomer to the world of blogging, I’m still a little overwhelmed and ever so slightly relieved to discover how many share and supercede my enthusiasm.  I’m hoping I’ve finally found peeps who will enjoy my ranting and raving about the latest life-changing lipgloss, eyecream or moisturiser. I hope you’re one of them!

Here we go…

1 comment

  1. I've just stumbled across you on Twitter and came to check out your blog, it's fab and I'd assumed you'd be blogging for much longer! I'm off to follow with Bloglovin', and catch up on some of your tweets :) xxx


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